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Front Country Prescribed Fire
Unit Information
1000 Highway 36 Estes Park Colorado 80517
1000 Highway 36 Estes Park Colorado 80517
Incident Contacts
- Rocky Mountain National Park Information OfficePhone:(970) 586-1206Hours:8 a.m. - 4 p.m. M-F; 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sa-Su
Front Country Prescribed Fire Operations Cancelled for March 10 Due to Conditions 03-10-2025
Updated On: - 03/10/2025 / 10:00
The prescribed fire operations planned for today will not be taking place in Rocky Mountain National Park due to forecasted high winds. At 6 a.m., fire managers took onsite observations, and the wind speeds measured exceeded our prescription for the burn. Burn operations only occur when weather and conditions allow. Fire managers carefully observe conditions in the days preceding and the morning of any planned burn operation.
Rocky Mountain National Park Announces Plans for Prescribed Burn on Monday, March 10, 2025 If Conditions Allow 03-08-2025
Updated On: - 03/08/2025 / 11:41
Rocky Mountain National Park News ReleaseMarch 8, 2025For Immediate ReleaseKyle Patterson 970-586-1363
Rocky Mountain National Park Announces Plans for Either Pile Burning or a Prescribed Burn on Monday, December 9, 2024 12-06-2024
Updated On: - 12/06/2024 / 15:00
Rocky Mountain National Park News ReleaseDecember 6, 2024For Immediate ReleaseKyle Patterson 970-586-1363Rocky Mountain National Park Announces Plans for Either Pile Burning or a Prescribed Burn on Monday, December 9, 2024
November 2 | Front Country Prescribed Fire Updates 11-02-2024
Updated On: - 11/02/2024 / 11:30
7:00 p.m. Ignitions on the Headquarters Unit of the Front Country Prescribed Fire have been successfully completed, with approximately 100 acres treated during the past two days. Crews were successful in introducing low-to-moderate intensity fire on the landscape and have removed fuels, including grasses and low shrubs. Another goal of this prescribed fire was to raise the bottoms of the canopies of trees and to increase crown spacing within the fire area. To do this, some low branches on trees may burn in addition to the grasses and nearby brush.
November 1 | Front Country Prescribed Fire Updates 11-01-2024
Updated On: - 11/01/2024 / 10:00
November 1:4:30 p.m. Crews have stopped ignitions on the Front Country Prescribed Fire for today after successfully completing approximately 50 acres of the Headquarters Unit. Crews will be in the field into the evening to ensure that areas completed today remain within the unit boundaries. Firefighters will also be staffing overnight to monitor the fire area.
Rocky Mountain National Park announces plans for prescribed burn this Friday and Saturday, if conditions allow 10-30-2024
Updated On: - 10/30/2024 / 12:00
October 30, 2024 For Immediate Release Kyle Patterson 970-586-1363 Rocky Mountain National Park announces plans for prescribed burn this Friday and Saturday, if conditions allow
Rocky Mountain National Park Announces Plans For Potential Prescribed Burn 10-18-2024
Updated On: - 10/18/2024 / 17:58
October 18, 2024For Immediate ReleaseKyle Patterson 970-586-1363 Rocky Mountain National Park Announces Plans For Potential Prescribed Burn