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Fairview Fire Morning Update for September 9, 2022
Updated On: 09/09/2022
Situation Summary: Winds will increase from the east causing any unsecured line to become active, especially in those on the western perimeter. Ember cast will dramatically increase as the strong 40+ mph winds enter the area. Long range spotting over a mile will be possible with Probability of Ignition at 85%. Thunderstorms with LAL 3, and heavy rain will be possible during the period. Fire activity will decrease as the winds subside, and rain scattered thunderstorms continue. LAL 3. Possibility rain totals of 1-1.5" by Sunday night.
Fairview Fire Evening Update September 7, 2022
Updated On: 09/08/2022
Situation Summary: Fire activity will moderate slightly overnight with increased humidity and decrease in temperature. Active burning will continue on the east, south, and west areas. Shifting winds from the west will allow the fire to actively burn to the east, into heavier fuels and steeper slopes. Spotting will continue to be over .50 miles in the dense brush Evacuations: Evacuation Order South of Cactus Valley Road, North of Minto Way, North of Red Mountain Road, West of USFS Boundary and East of Sage Road.
Fairview Fire Evening Update September 8, 2022
Updated On: 09/08/2022
Situation Summary: The fire will continue to spread in all areas due to shifting winds ahead of Hurricane Kay’s arrival. The fire will have very high potential to move to the west due to the strong 40+mph east winds and possible extreme down slope winds coming off of the surrounding 10,000' peaks. Fire activity could be moderated in the evening when heavy rains come from the thunderstorms. This will however also bring lightning to the area.
Fairview Fire Anticipated Weather Forecast
Updated On: 09/08/2022
Fairview Fire Morning Update for September 8, 2022
Updated On: 09/08/2022
Situation Summary: Active fire behavior occurred in the east, south, and north portions of the incident. East winds at sundown pushed the fire to the west. As the winds subsided, the eastern portions of the incident continued to spread due to the complex terrain. Fire will become active with primary movement to the east due to the west winds. Steep drainages will aid the spread with the up canyon/up slope winds and heavy fuels. Evacuations: