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Battle Mountain Complex

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Unit Information

611 20th Street 
611 20th Street 

Incident Contacts

Tom Fields

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The Battle Creek Complex consists of two fires, the North Fore Owens and the Snake Fire, near Ukiah, Oregon. 

Basic Information
Current as of Sun, 07/21/2024 - 13:54
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Undetermined
Date of Origin
Location West of Ukiah, OR
Incident Commander Tyler McCarty • ICT1
Bryce Thomas - Deputy
Coordinates 45° 15' 25'' Latitude
-118° 58'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 355
Size 6,408 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Estimated Containment Date 08/31/2024
Fuels Involved

Timber (Grass and Understory), Short Grass (1 foot), and Brush (2 feet).

Mix of open grass and brush with stringers of open timber. Some juniper on rocky steep canyons.

Significant Events

Active running, group torching and spotting. Hot, dry and unstable conditions will allow fire growth around 100% of the perimeter. Very receptive to spotting and high resistance to control. 

Projected Incident Activity

12 hours: Continued hot and dry. Light NE winds,
24 hours: Continued hot and dry, Light NE winds,
48 hours: Light NE winds. Potential increase in instability and threat of thunderstorms start,
72 hours: Potentially critical fire weather day, Thermal trough could set up over the fire and winds may switch to NW.
72 hours: Back to regular hot and dry through Thursday, with potential for slight relief in temperatures. Winds may stay more NW. 


Name Strategy Measure Ctn/Comp Measure Date Date
NF Owens 930 Acres 0 Percent 100,000 08/ 31/ 2024 100
Snake 856 Acres 0 Percent 150,000 08/ 31/ 2024 100

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Continued hot, dry conditions. Wind increasing over the next few days. Instability and threat of thermal trough are raising concerns for increased fire growth and resistance to control,