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Boneyard Fire

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Unit Information

3501 East Third Street 
P.O. Box 670 
3501 East Third Street 
P.O. Box 670 

Incident Contacts

Phone: 541-612-0744
Hours: 0700-2000

Basic Information
Current as of Mon, 07/22/2024 - 01:04
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin
Location 10.4 Miles north of Monument, Oregon
Incident Commander ODF IMT 1-IC Joe Hessel
Coordinates 44° 57' 51'' Latitude
-119° 28'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 413
Size 14,602 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Estimated Containment Date 8/10/2024
Fuels Involved
  • Tall Grass (2.5 feet)
  • Brush (2 feet)
  • Timber (Grass and Understory)

The fuels within the fire, and the vicinity, consist of timber with brush and grass understory.

Significant Events
  • Extreme
  • Uphill runs
  • Spotting
  • Flanking

Extreme fire behavior continues to be observed with 1/2 to 1/4 mile spotting on the fire. Fuel Moistures
and Fire Indices continue to be in the upper 90th Percentiles.

Planned Actions

Scout for and identify potential line location options. Identify resource needs to construct line as
Scout for and identify contingency line options.
Assist structure protection resources to protect and secure structures as necessary.

Projected Incident Activity

12 hours: Extreme fire behavior and rapid rates of spread to the south long and short range spotting. Surrounding terrain is conducive for rapid spread, combined with dry fuels. ERCs are nearing record, high levels as well as fuel moistures nearing extreme lows.
24 hours: Fire growth is continuing to spread in all directions due to the terrain influences. Long range spotting will continue to be an issue and will be a primary cause of concern. Northeasterly winds continue to push the fire to the SOUTH as well.

48 hours: Continued heat wave will enable rapid spread rates and spotting potential. Priorities will be to keep the fire from crossing the John Day river to SOUTHEAST and to stop the spread to the SOUTH into the town of MONUMENT.


Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Hot, dry conditions continue to persist over the area. An excessive heat warning is in place through the weekend and into early next week. A cold front is expected to move into the area after that, which will bring gusty and erratic winds. Steady winds continue to be in the area.