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Updated map of the Meridian Fire with the IR mapping perimeter for October 17.

Snowy and cloudy conditions on the Meridian Fire, October 17th.
The Meridian Fire was reported late in the day on October 8th and is located approximately 10 miles southwest of Lyons Bridge on HWY 287 in the Meridian Creek Drainage. Fire managers from the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest have identified and prioritized critical values at risk in the fire area. Firefighting efforts will focus available resources on the protection of structures approximately ½ mile from the fire.
Current as of | Mon, 11/04/2024 - 08:52 |
Incident Time Zone | America/Denver |
Incident Type | Wildfire |
Cause | Undetermined |
Date of Origin | |
Location | 40 miles south of Ennis, MT |
Incident Commander | Jim King |
Coordinates |
44° 44' 55'' Latitude
-111° 39' 33
'' Longitude
Total Personnel: | 2 |
Size | 3,900 Acres |
Fuels Involved | The fuels in this area include timber, such as live trees and dead lodgepole pines, with a layer of grass and litter (dead pine needles, twigs, and other organic debris) on the forest floor. The dead lodgepole adds a significant amount of dry, highly available fuel, increasing the potential for intense fire behavior. |
Significant Events | Operational objectives are 100% complete. |
Planned Actions |
Tomorrow’s plan will be situational, depending on the amount of snow received overnight. If minimal moisture is received, similar operations will occur. If conditions associated with the predicted winter storm warning materialize, then crews will shift to removing equipment from the fire area. |
Remarks |
The fire has received significant precipitation. Operational objectives are 100% complete. |