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Mendocino NF Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Prescribed Fire Projects

Unit Information

825 N. Humboldt Ave. 
825 N. Humboldt Ave. 

Incident Contacts

Laura Leidner
Phone: (530) 934-1137
Hours: 9am-5pm

Highlighted Activity

EDIT: Bartlett Springs pile burning has been postponed due to high winds. Firefighters will attempt again next week. WILLOWS, Calif., Mar. 7, 2025—Conditions have been ideal for prescribed fire with cool temperatures and wet weather. Dry and warmer weather returns Friday through the weekend, but an active weather pattern is in the forecast for next week. Forest fire and fuels staff will look… Read more
Publication Type: News -
This week Grindstone District firefighters are continuing to burn piles in the Letts Lake basin, pending favorable weather conditions. Firefighters will attempt ignitions on 65 acres today. On the Upper Lake District firefighters were unsuccessful yesterday burning in the Bartlett Springs area due to high winds. That prescribed burn has been postponed until next week when conditions look… Read more
Publication Type: News -

Highlighted Media

pile burning in snowy winter conditions

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Prescribed fire is a tool that uses fire under planned ignitions to mimic the natural role of fire in the environment. Without fire, hazardous fuels can build up and carry wildfire from the forest floor to tree canopies, creating extreme fire behavior that poses risk to firefighters, surrounding communities and natural resources. Prescribed fire, including vegetation cutting, removal and burning of piles and low-intensity understory burning, is an important tool to meet the Forest Service’s management objectives for ecological restoration, creating habitat for plants and animals and reducing unwanted fuel loading.

Fire managers follow a risk-management approach when conducting these projects and mitigate impacts to local communities, residences and infrastructure. Fire managers will conduct prescribed fire activities during the safest possible “burn windows” in the coming months. Numerous factors including wind, humidity, air quality, fuel moisture and availability of fire crew personnel must be met before crews are authorized to move forward with burning.

Residents and visitors are asked to avoid areas where prescribed fires are being conducted. Some smoke may be visible. People should not be alarmed as the fires are carefully monitored. Local fire and government authorities are notified prior to burn days and kept informed throughout prescribed fire operations.

Additional updates on prescribed burning will be shared on Inciweb and the forest’s social media at and

Basic Information
Current as of Tue, 03/11/2025 - 13:16
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Prescribed Fire
Date of Origin
Location Mendocino National Forest
Incident Commander Mendocino National Forest, Upper Lake, Covelo and Grindstone Ranger Districts
Coordinates 39° 31' 48.7554'' Latitude
-122° 12'
'' Longitude