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Horton Fire 2024

Unit Information

2324 E. McDowell Rd 
2324 E. McDowell Rd 

Incident Contacts

Horton Fire Information
Phone: 602-551-7327
Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm

Highlighted Activity

This Order shall be in effect from December 30, 2024, at 5:00pm through May 30, 2025, at 06:00pm, unless rescinded.The purpose of this Order is to protect public health and safety due to firefighting operations and fire danger associated with the uncontrolled Horton Fire on the Tonto and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests.The Described Area consists of all National Forest System (NFS) lands,… Read more
Publication Type: Closures -
The Horton Fire transitioned to a local Type 3 team this morning.Horton Fire Update: January 13, 2025Acres: 8,346 Containment: 80% Start Date: December 14, 2024Location: Payson Ranger District, Arizona Cause: Under InvestigationPersonnel: 237 Fuels: Timber, chaparralResources: 2 crews | 7 engines | 1 helicopter | 1 bulldozer | 1 water tenderHighlights: Operations continue as management of the… Read more
Publication Type: News -

A firefighter walks along a control line while fire actively burns left and down a steep slope.

The Horton Fire started the Tonto National Forest in the area of Promontory Point on the Mogollon Rim and spread to the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest on the evening of Saturday, December 14, 2025. Tonto National Forest-Payson Ranger District firefighters were first on-scene. As local resources continued responding, an ad hoc Type 3 team was assembled and stood up by Monday, December 16, 2025. 


During the first week of response, the air and ground resources available for this incident were actively engaged in suppressing the wildfire and holding constructed containment lines on Promontory Butte; within Horton Creek drainage, east of the community of Tonto Creek Estates; and above See Canyon, northwest of Christopher Creek.  


Fire activity initially occurred primarily within the notably steep and rugged terrain on the Mogollon Rim. Due to these unique terrain conditions, which present hazardous conditions and extended extrication times of up to 6 hours, direct attack capabilities for firefighters has been limited. 


As the complexity of the incident increased, a Complex Incident Management Team was ordered and Southwest Area Incident Management Team 1 arrived on-scene and took management of the fire on Monday, December 30, 2025.  


The Horton Fire has been determined as human-caused fire and is still under investigation. The primary fuels carrying this fire are timber, chaparral, dry grasses and understory shrubs. 


A Forest closure order is in effect to protect public health and safety during the Horton Fire as well as protecting firefighting personnel engaging in wildland firefighting operations. 


A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR 5/0461) is in place for the Horton Fire through January 31, 2025.  


The communities of Christopher Creek, Hunter Creek, R-C Scout Camp, Tonto Creek Estates, Tonto Christian Camp, Tonto Fish Hatchery, Kohls Ranch, and Zane Grey Cabins are in SET evacuation status. Surrounding roadways and State Route 260 may experience localized impacts due to the Horton Fire including reduced visibility due to smoke. Travelers should monitor roadway status and conditions via AZ Department of Transportation. 


Fire-specific questions for the Horton Fire can be directed to incident Information Officers via email at or by calling 602-551-7327. 


Basic Information
Current as of Mon, 01/13/2025 - 12:34
Incident Time Zone America/Phoenix
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Human, Under Investigation
Date of Origin
Location 17.5 miles northeast of Payson, AZ along the Mogollon Rim
Incident Commander Southwest Complex Incident Management Team 1
Coordinates 34° 22' 15.6'' Latitude
-111° 03'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Size 8,346 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 80%
Fuels Involved

Ponderosa pine, mixed conifer, chaparral