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Ridge Fire

Unit Information

800 S. 6th St. 
800 S. 6th St. 

Incident Contacts

Kaibab NF Public Affairs

This incident is no longer being updated.

Smoke is rising in the distance beyond a grassy meadow at the forest's edge, a dirt road heads off into the distance starting at the viewers point, all beneath a partly cloudy sky.

The Ridge Fire is a lightning-caused wildfire located approximately 7 miles southeast of the Town of Tusayan, Ariz., along Forest Road 302 near Skinner Tank. This lightning-caused wildfire is fulfilling its role in the ecosystem: burning naturally to reduce fuel loads and promote healthy landscapes. 

The Ridge Fire moved at a slow-to-moderate pace across the forest floor at a lower intensity, removing hazardous fuels and promoting healthy vegetation.

Occasional smoke and flames may be visible from various forest roads in the vicinity of the Ridge Fire. Individual and small group tree torching in the Pinyon-Juniper ecosystem may be possible in the interior as fuels become available due to high temperatures and low humidity.

Fire personnel and vehicles will be visible to the public around the area of the Ridge Fire. Motorists and visitors are asked to avoid active hot areas and are reminded to use caution and drive with heightened awareness when passing through any fire vicinity.

Basic Information
Current as of Thu, 07/11/2024 - 10:56
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin
Coordinates 35° 54' 37'' Latitude
-111° 59'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 42
Size 10,210 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 100%
Fuels Involved

Ponderosa pine and meadows, pinyon pine and juniper.

Planned Actions

All tactical firing operations have been completed on 7/19. Crews have begun conducting rehabilitation operations on constructed fire line throughout the fire area. Crews will also continue to patrol and monitor the perimeter of the fire to ensure it remains within containment lines.