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Pioneer Fire update 06-17-2024
Publication Type: News - 06/17/2024 - 10:40
Pioneer Fire Update for Monday, June 17, 2024
CHELAN, Wash. — The Pioneer Fire is burning in the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Area in the Chelan Ranger District of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and on private land.
The fire footprint extends from Meadow Creek to Prince Creek. Northerly progression is being slowed by winds out of the northwest and green vegetation.
Suppression management has been divided into two branches: Branch I is overseeing operations and planning up lake from Point No Point on Lake Chelan to Flick Creek. Branch II is managing operations and planning down lake.
Branch I, up lake: With aviation support slowing the fire’s spread on both flanks, ground crews will continue with structure protection from Prince Creek to Canoe Creek to the south and Rex Creek and Hunts Bluff to the north.
A hotshot crew will be inserted today to scout potential line locations between Flick Creek and Moore Mountain. Fire personnel will also be scouting and develop long term strategic actions to address future progression.
Branch 2, down lake: Grading and brushing of Upper Grade Creek Road (8200 Road) has progressed to the area between Mitchell Creek and Gold Creek. A dozer, two skidgens, 3 masticators, and hand crews will begin line construction along Coyote Ridge down to the Lake Chelan shoreline.
A public meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, at the North Cascades National Park Golden West Visitor Center in Stehekin, Wash. This meeting will not have a virtual option.
Smoke & Air Quality: Yesterday, terrain aligned northwest winds transported smoke to the southern end of the lake Chelan and air quality moved well into the MODERATE range throughout the evening hours in Chelan and Manson. Most smoke stayed on the western side of Sawtooth Ridge and the Methow Valley was largely unaffected. Check current air quality conditions at Learn more about health impacts and becoming Smoke Ready at
EVACUATIONS: A Level 3 (Go Now) evacuation order is in place from just north of Moore Point south to Canoe Creek. Down lake: A Level 2 (Be Prepared) evacuation order has been issued down lake from Canoe Creek to Lone Fir Creek. A Level 1 (Stay Alert) order is in place from Lone Fir Creek down lake to Safety Harbor. Up lake: A Level 2 (Be Prepared) evacuation order is in place from just north of Moore Point to, and including, Flick Creek Campground. A Level 1 (Stay Alert) evacuation order is in place up lake from Flick Creek Campground to, and including, the Fourmile Creek camping area. Please visit County of Chelan, Washington for the most current information on evacuations.
Closures: A public safety closure order is in effect for the Lakeshore Trail from Prince Creek up lake to the trailhead at Stehekin and portions of the Chelan Sawtooth Wilderness. Moore Point campground and the entire LakeshoreTrail are now closed. The closure includes Prince Creek, Cascade Creek, and Moore Point boat-in campgrounds. An interactive map of the closure area can be found at A road closure of the Grade Creek (8200) road is pending due to heavy equipment operations.
SAFETY: Recreational boaters are asked to maintain space from aircraft utilizing Lake Chelan for water collection. Recreationists are asked to follow the forest closure orders for their safety and the safety of firefighters.
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