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Nebo Fire Update - 90/30/2022
Nebo Fire
Publication Type: News 10/01/2022
NOTICE: This update will be provided every 3 days and when significant changes occur.
Double Creek Fire: 161,591 acres, increased 81 acres | 89% contained | 436 personnel assigned
Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires
Sturgill Fire: 21,509 acres, increased 466 acres | 72% of objectives achieved | 60 personnel assigned
Goat Mountain 2 Fire: 584 acres, increased 36 acres | 0 personnel assigned
Weather: Substantial precipitation occurred yesterday and overnight. Today will remain cloudy and cool with temperatures struggling to reach 60 degrees. Light rain is expected through the day. Relative humidity will stay above 60% today and tonight. Over the weekend, a very gradual warming and drying trend is expected.
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Temporary Area Closures: Closure orders are in effect for the Double Creek, Nebo, and Sturgill Fires. Closure Orders and Maps are available here. Roads within area closures and Forest Service Road (FSR) 8250 east to the junction with FSR 8250-040, FSR 3900-100, and FSR 3900-200 remain closed.
Restrictions: Fire Restrictions are in place for the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Campfires should be in fire pits surrounded by dirt, rock, or commercial rings. Flammable material shall be cleared within a 3-foot radius and avoid overhanging limbs. Attend fires at all times and fully extinguish when not attended.
Fire Information
Sturgill Fire