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Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires Update - 09/03/2022
Nebo Fire
Publication Type: News 09/03/2022
Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires
September 3, 2022
Daily Update – 8:00 AM
Highlights: Pacific Northwest Team 2 assumed command of the Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires (Sturgill, Nebo, and Goat Mountain) at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 3.
Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires:
There are four lightning caused fires within the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Goat Mountain 1 is less than one acre and currently not active. The Sturgill, Nebo, and Goat Mountain 2 Fires are active and have been managed to protect values at risk, such as public and private infrastructure, while playing a natural role within designated Wilderness. Firefighters will use strategies to protect public and private structures and infrastructure where necessary and safe to do so.
Nebo Fire: 3,858 acres | 0% contained | 25 personnel assigned
There was some fire growth in the Gardner drainage overnight. Today, firefighters will be working on Forest Service Road (FSR) 100, FSR 200, and FSR 3925 to prepare for firing operations to limit fire spread outside of wilderness to the north and east. They will continue monitoring spot fires in the Imnaha corridor and use aircraft to limit fire spread south of Imnaha Divide. Helicopters are assisting firefighters on the ground with bucket drops of water to suppress spot fires on the north and south sides of the fire.
Weather: Temperatures will be in the 70s on ridgetops and 80s on the lower elevations with relative humidity values of 15-20 percent on the ridges and 8-14 percent in the drainages. South winds will be 10-20 mph on ridges and 7-14 mph on the lower slopes. There is a slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Temperatures will cool to the mid-50s in the evening with relative humidity values of 50%.
Smoke: An Air Resource Advisor has been ordered to assist in the development of localized smoke forecast outlooks. The smoke forest outlooks, when available, will be posted to the Smoke Forecast Outlooks website and on InciWeb. Air quality information is also available on the PurpleAir website.
Evacuations: There are currently no evacuations for the Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires.
Closures: There are currently trail and road closures in effect for the Double Creek Fire as well as the Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. Closure Orders and Maps are available on the Wallowa Whitman National Forest Fire Incident Updates page. Wallowa County issued an Order to restrict use by the general public of the Upper Imnaha Road from Imnaha to the junction of Upper Imnaha Road and Forest Service Road 39.
Air Space: Several Notice to Air Missions (NOTAMs) have been issued for areas surrounding the Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. NOTAM 2/0826 and NOTAM 2/0849 have been issued to provide a safe environment for firefighting aircraft. Do not operate drones near wildfires. If public drones are flying in areas of wildfire activity, tactical firefighting aircraft will be grounded.
Restrictions: Forest Order # 06-16-00-22-04 covers Phase B Fire Restrictions for all National Forest System Lands within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, except for the area within a ¼ mile of the Snake River between Hells Canyon Dam, River Mile 247.5, downstream to the Oregon-Washington border at Snake River Mile 176.0, which is regulated by Forest Order #06-16-04-22-01.
Fire Information:
Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Phone: 541-216-4579
Nebo Fire InciWeb:
2022 Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires Facebook: