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Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fire Update - 09/05/2022
Nebo Fire
Publication Type: News 09/05/2022
Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires
September 5, 2022
Daily Update – 8:00 AM
Highlights: Fire activity was significantly less on Sunday for both the Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. Although temperatures were warm and relative humidity values were low, winds were much lighter than the previous day. Additional resources continue to arrive, including task forces form the Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM).
Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires:
There are four lightning caused fires within the Eagle Cap Wilderness. The Goat Mountain 1 Fire is currently not active. The Nebo, Sturgill, and Goat Mountain 2 Fires are active and being managed to protect public and private infrastructure, while playing a natural role within designated Wilderness.
Nebo Fire: 7,277 acres | 0% contained | 50 personnel assigned
On Sunday, firefighters began building a control line along the Wallowa Mountain Loop Road (Forest Service Road 39) to the 200 Road. On Monday, additional resources will be assigned to assist with fireline construction and initiate firing operations along the Wallowa Mountain Loop (Forest Service Road 39) and 200 Roads. Crews and heavy equipment will be used to keep the fire west of the road. Firefighters will also implement structure protection for Forest Service infrastructure, including the Lick Creek Campground, as the fire continues to move to the north and east.
Weather: A weak cold front will move through the area in the early morning hours. Below normal fire weather conditions are expected Monday with moderate temperatures, higher relative humidity values, and light northwest winds behind the morning’s cold frontal passage. Tuesday and Wednesday’s weather is expected to result to above normal fire activity with increased winds from the southwest and temperatures in the 90s.
Smoke: Current air quality information for the local area is available on the PurpleAir website.
Evacuations: There are currently no evacuations for the Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires.
Closures: There are currently trail and road closures in effect for the Double Creek Fire as well as the Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. Closure Orders and Maps are available on the Wallowa Whitman National Forest Fire Incident Updates page.
Airspace: Several airspace restrictions have been issued for the Double Creek and Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) 2/1532 is in place to provide a safe environment for firefighting aircraft operations on the Double Creek Fire. Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) 08/234 and NOTAM 08/235 were issued to provide safe airspace for the Eagle Cap Wilderness Fires. Flight restrictions also apply to drones. Drones flying in areas of wildfire activity will cause tactical firefighting aircraft to be grounded.
Restrictions: Forest Order #06-16-00-22-04 covers Phase B Fire Restrictions for all National Forest System Lands within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, except for the area within a ¼ mile of the Snake River between Hells Canyon Dam, River Mile 247.5, downstream to the Oregon-Washington border at Snake River Mile 176.0, which is regulated by Forest Order #06-16-04-22-01.
Fire Information
Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Phone: 541-216-4579
Nebo Fire InciWeb: