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Whisky Creek Fire

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  • Whisky Creek Fire Information
    8am - 8 pm

August 17, 2024 Whisky Creek and Sandstone Fires Daily Update 08-17-2024

Whisky Creek Fire, Sandstone Fire
Publication Type: News - 08/17/2024 - 13:35

Whisky Creek Size: 1,951 acres | Reported Date: July 20 | Cause: Human, Under Investigation | Containment: 9% Sandstone Size: 696 acres | Reported Date: August 5 | Cause: Lightning | Containment: 19%                           Total Resources 315 | Hand Crews: 9 | Engines: 8 | Water Tenders: 1 | Dozers: 2 | Other Heavy Equipment: 8

Highlights: Northwest Complex Incident Management Team 10, under the leadership of Incident Commander Steve North, assumed command of the Whisky Creek, Sandstone and the 17-acre Blister Creek Fires at 6 a.m. Saturday after a day of shadowing Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 2. Also today, firefighters are preparing for thunderstorms that may force temporary suspension of operations if lightning and strong outflow winds result in dangerous working conditions on the fires.

Operations: Progress continues on the Whisky Creek, Sandstone and Blister Creek fires. Firefighters completed a direct handline around Blister Creek’s fire area. On Sandstone, crews tied in two sections of hand line, directly on the fire’s west and north edges. Contingency lines continue to be scouted and built on the west side of the Blister Creek and Sandstone fires.

Fire behavior is minimal on the west and north edges of the Whisky Creek Fire. A combination of favorable weather and a lack of fuels within the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire burn scar has helped firefighters keep the fire south of Mullinix Creek. Resources are focusing on the south and east perimeter of the fire. Crews continue to hold and secure portions of the containment line on the east side of the fire, while establishing hose lays and sprinklers around trouble areas along the southeast side of the fire near Black Lake. Fire managers are assessing the possibility of utilizing more aggressive fire management practices on the south edge. However, steep, rugged and dangerous terrain are making progress difficult. A large contingent of heavy equipment continues operating to establish contingency lines to the southeast of the fire.

Weather and Fire Behavior: A weather system is forecast to move in today over the Cascades, bringing in severe weather in the mid-afternoon hours. Rainfall amounts could reach 1/4 – 1/2" with as much as an inch in some areas. Lightning, hail and wind gusts up to 60 mph are possible. A Flash Flood Watch is in effect from 2 p.m. today until 2 a.m. Sunday for lands that have burned this year. High humidity and cooler temperatures will likely moderate fire behavior today and over the next few days.

Safety: Despite favorable weather conditions leading to reduced fire behavior across the landscape, the risk of potential ignitions is still extreme. The public plays an important role in preventing the next wildfire; use caution with all ignition sources. For prevention tips visit, Fire restrictions are in place within the Mt. Hood National Forest. More information can be found at: A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over both the fire areas.

Smoke: Air quality is expected to be good for both fire areas. For more information on smoke conditions in your area, go to:

Closures: The Mount Hood National Forest and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area closure information can be found by scanning the QR code or following the link in the bottom right corner of this page. Hood River County closure information can be found on their website: Closures are put into place for the safety of the public and fire crews; intrusion in a closure area can interrupt fire suppression activities, endanger lives and property and can result in fines.

For further information about the Whisky Creek and Sandstone Fires, see the following resources:
Email: or Phone: 541-208-1743, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Web: Scan the QR code at right or go to