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10.05.2021 Prescribed Fire Operations Update
Prescribed Fire Projects 2021
Publication Type: News 10/07/2021
Prescribed Fire Operations Update
John Day, Prairie City and Hines, OR. – (October 5, 2021) After carefully monitoring conditions across the Forest, fire officials have determined that conditions are within specific parameters, including temperature, relative humidity, and fuel moisture to start prescribed fire operations in specifically planned units.
- Prairie City Ranger District – may start ignitions Wednesday, October 6th and continuing possibly till Saturday, on the Elk 16 IB Unit, 600 acres, located North of Crane Prairie between the National Forest Service (NFS) Road 1600-600 and the 1660-478 road.
- Emigrant Creek Ranger District – may begin implementation in Silvies 7, located south and east of the Silvies River and west of NFS Road 31, as early as Thursday, October 7th, depending on weather conditions. 1,000 acres.
For the safety of firefighters and the public, roads and areas of prescribed fire activity will be signed. Please avoid these areas so as not to interfere with ongoing operations. For safety, roads, trails and areas may need to close temporarily as firefighter operations are taking place. Smoky conditions may also reduce visibility to a level that would require additional temporary closures. During prescribed fire operations, there is potential for impacts to camping and hunting. Hunters are advised to plan ahead; for their safety, they should not camp in or near an area of prescribed fire activity.
All prescribed burn activity is weather and condition dependent.