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Quartz Fire activity remains light; crews continue post-lightning patrols

Quartz Fire
Publication Type: News 08/27/2022

Quartz Fire Update 
Saturday, August 27, 10:00 am 

National Park Service  
Glacier National Park 
Incident Commander: M. Lewelling 

Fire Information Email: 
Fire Information Recording: 406-206-6099 
Fire Information Office: 406-206-5272 (8 am to 6 pm) 

Quartz Fire activity remains light; crews continue post-lightning patrols

Current Situation: Fire activity on the Quartz Fire has been minimal in recent days due to repeated rain over the fire, but heat remains within the fire’s perimeter and has the potential to become more active as weather dries and warms in the coming week. The fire was last mapped as 1698 acres.

On Friday, firefighters hiked to the location of an observed lightning strike on Numa Ridge. They were unable to detect any active fire in the area and fire lookouts will continue observing that area for any future fire activity. Another small fire was discovered east of the North Fork of the Flathead River south of the historic Kishenehn Ranger Station. Crews will continue monitoring this fire, called the Abbotts Flats Fire, and are prepared to take suppression actions if any further activity is detected. 

Glacier National Park firefighters continue to patrol for any new fire starts resulting from multiple lightning storms which have moved through the area over the past week. So far, these storms have been accompanied by heavy rains which have quenched the observed fire starts. Firefighters established a portable radio repeater in the North Fork on Friday to improve radio communications with crews assigned to both the Quartz Fire and patrolling for new fires.

Weather: A cold front is predicted to bring west-southwest winds with gusts up to 25 mph at lower elevations and up to 35 mph on ridges today. Stronger winds may lead to a slight increase in fire activity on the Quartz Fire during the warmest part of the day. Smoke may be visible if fire activity increases. There is a 30 percent chance of lightning and wetting rain. 

Closures: Glacier National Park has enacted a Closure Order for the areas, campgrounds, and trails within the Quartz Lake drainage from the Continental Divide to the Inside North Fork Road for the protection of park visitors, employees, and natural resources. This includes the Quartz Lake Loop trails starting from just south of Bowman Lake toward Quartz Lake, as well as the Quartz Lake and Lower Quartz Lake Wilderness Campgrounds. A map of the closure is available on InciWeb. 

Fire Restrictions: The fire danger rating in Glacier National Park is currently Very High. All park visitors are reminded that campfires are allowed only in designated fire rings or grates and should be kept small. Never leave a fire unattended and drown any campfire with water until cold to the touch before leaving it.

Air Quality: National air quality and smoke conditions can be monitored at Visibility in different parts of Glacier National Park can vary from hour to hour, depending on fire and wind conditions both locally and throughout the west. Check the park’s webcams at for current views.

Quartz Fire Statistics:
Size: Approximately 1698 acres
Total Personnel: 35
Start Date: Sunday, August 14, 2022
Containment: 0%
Cause: Lightning
Location: 25 miles north of West Glacier