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West Mountain Fires Closures, Evacuation Information, Fire Restrictions, TFR, Important Links, September 11, 2024 09-11-2024
Boulder Fire, Dollar Fire , Snag Fire, Goat Fire
Publication Type: Announcement - 09/11/2024 - 11:38
Boise National Forest:
- Closure Order #0402-04-100 Dollar/Oro Area, Trail, and Road Closure – For Forest closure areas over the Dollar fire. For more information visit:
- Closure Order #0402-06-60 Anderson-Bulldog-Nellie Fire Area, Road, and Trail Closure – For Forest closure areas over the Goat and Snag Fires. For more information visit:
- Closure Order #0402-06-63 Lava Fire Area, Road, and Trail Closure – For Forest closure areas around the Lava and Boulder Fires. For more information visit:
Payette National Forest:
- Closure Order #0412-606 Wolf Creek Burned Area Road and Trail Closure - encompassing National Forest System Trail #560 and NFS Road #1762. For more information visit:
- Closure Order #0412-605 Dollar Fire Area and Trail Closure - north of Warm Lake Road, west of South Fork Salmon River, east of NFS Trail #101, and south of NFS Trail #99 and #100. For more information visit:
The Boise National Forest is in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. For more information visit: Boise National Forest.
Valley County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for issuing and enforcing evacuation orders, and for determining the boundaries of the evacuation area. Fire managers advise the sheriff when management action trigger points have been breached.
There are currently READY, SET and GO evacuation orders in place. To stay up to date with the most current information, sign up for emergency alerts, such as evacuation notices by visiting your county’s emergency alert system:
- Valley County:(208) 382-5160
Contact Valley County Dispatch at (208) 382-5160 for information on evacuation shelters
Review the READY, SET, GO evacuation procedure for Valley County:
Warm Lake Highway Closure: Piloted access continues. Warm Lake Rd will be opened for homeowners and contractors only. You will need to be on the approved list for travel. If you have already been approved, you do not need to sign up again. To be added to the approved list please visit:
- Valley County: Or Call: (208) 382-5160
- Active fire behavior continues in the area, please drive slowly, be aware of crews working in the area and watch out for debris.
- National Forest System (NFS) Road 474 is now OPEN from the Boise National Forest boundary to Warm Lake.
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) are in place over the Boulder, Dollar, Snag, and Goat Fires. Wildfires are a no- fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. TFRs are critical for firefighter and aircraft safety. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit
Latest version: Sept. 11, 2024