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Forest-wide Pile Burning Update 01-21-2024
Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Pile Burning
Publication Type: Announcement - 01/21/2024 - 11:09
In Boulder & Gilpin County:
- Forsythe Area
- 2 miles east of Nederland, north of Magnolia Road, adjacent to FS Trail 606 and near the intersection of Magnolia Road and Lazy Z Road
- 2 miles southwest of Pinecliffe, east of South Beaver Road, La Chula Road, and Wedgwood Road
- Yankee Hill Area
- 2 miles west of Central City, west of the intersection of Bald Mountain Road and FS Road 273.2
In Larimer County:
- Glen Haven 3: adjacent to Glen Haven on both sides of CR43
- Red Feather 5: 4 miles northeast of Red Feather Lakes, along CR67J (Prairie Divide Road)
- Thompson River 4: 6 miles east of Estes Park, along FSR122 (Pole Hill Road)
- Devils Creek: 5 miles north of Crystal Lakes Subdivision; at the intersection of CR80C and FSR182
Locations targeted for this week in Boulder & Gilpin County:
- Forsythe Area
- Approximately mile maker 4.5 of Magnolia Road, north and south of Magnolia Road off FS Road 321 and 302
- 1.5 miles northwest of Wondervu, west side of Gross Reservoir
- Yankee Hill Area
Locations targeted for this week in Larimer County:
- Thompson River 5: 4 miles southeast of Estes Park, at the intersection of US36 and FSR124
- Magic Sky 4: 5 miles southeast of Red Feather Lakes and north of CR74E near Red Feather Highlands/DU Mountain Campus
- Elkhorn 2019: 2 miles southwest of Red Feather Lakes and west along CR69 (Manhattan Road)