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Homestead Complex

Unit Information

2900 Northwest Stewart Parkway 
2900 Northwest Stewart Parkway 

Incident Contacts

Public Information
Phone: 208-713-9693

Highlighted Media

Homestead Complex's first morning briefing with crews on 7-22-2024.

The Homestead Complex is a series of fires that started on July 16th after several storms passed over the area. The identified fires within the area are the Bullpup, Fuller Lake, Horse Heaven Creek, Lost Bucket, No Man, Reynolds Butte, and Salmon 33 fires. The Forest Service and local agencies are currently working with Great Basin Team 5 to manage all fires within the complex area. A full-suppression strategy is being used, with a safety-first mindset for the public and responders.

Basic Information
Current as of Sat, 07/27/2024 - 10:22
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning/Natural
Date of Origin
Incident Commander Trent Ingram
Gwen Sanchez
Incident Description Complex
Coordinates 43° 23' 42'' Latitude
-122° 33'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 348
Size 1,261 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 4%
Fuels Involved

Timber (Litter and Understory)
Timber (Grass and Understory)
Medium Logging Slash

Timber fuels with litter and understory throughout the fire area. Past fire footprints of varying age consist of grass and brush. Dead fuels are critically dry, live woody fuels contributing to fire spread. Canopy moss causing short range spotting.

Planned Actions

The Lost Bucket Fire has shifted to a monitor and patrol strategy. Firefighters successfully lined the fire and utilized hoses to cool interior heat earlier in the week. Several resources remain on the scene. The other resources will pivot to the other fires within the complex.

Crews continue to build line around the Fuller Lake and Bullpup fires.

Private firefighters, the BLM, and Team 5 resources are working together to establish line around the No Man fire in an effort to prevent the fire from crossing onto private land. Recently acquired heavy equipment will help construct fireline along the ridgetops.

Firefighters continue to construct line and lay hose around the Reynolds Butte and Horse Heaven fires. Once constructed, firefighters will begin to spray water into the interior of the fire.

Projected Incident Activity

Fire activity is expected to increase due to the warm temperatures, lower humidities, and increased solar heating.


Great Basin Team 5 assumed command on Monday July 22, 2024 at 0600.

To view the current smoke outlook, please visit 

Area closures are in effect. Please visit for the most recent updates.

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

7/27 - The temperatures today will be similar to yesterday. Humidites will begin trending lower now that the marine layer has passed. Direct solar heating will occur earlier in the day which will increase fuel temperatures.