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Moose Creek Complex

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Unit Information

1008 Highway 64 
1008 Highway 64 

Incident Contacts

Dustin Decker
Phone: 208-926-8948
Hours: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM PDT

Highlighted Media

Moose Creek Complex is composed of the Wye Fire, Halfway Fire, Monument Fire, and Log Fire.

Wye Fire is a lightning-caused wildfire detected on July 25, 2024, and is located approximately four and a half miles northwest of Freeman Peak and seven miles northeast of the Moose Creek Airstrip. The fire is approximately 12,857 acres and continues to burn primarily in a 2015 fire scar. 

Halfway is a lightning-caused wildfire detected on August 25, 2024, and is located approximately 5 miles West of Moose Creek Ranger Station and Airstrip. Fire is approximately 1,365 acres. 

Monument Fire is a lightning-caused wildfire detected on August 19, 2024, and is located less than two and a half miles east of Freeman Peak and four and a half miles west of Wahoo Peak. The fire is now approximately 543 acres.

Log Fire lightning-caused wildfire located six miles Northwest of Moose Creek Ranger Station and Air Strip. The fire is approximately 5 acres in size.

Note: Multiple trail closures are now in place in the vicinity of the Moose Creek Complex area.

Basic Information
Current as of Fri, 09/13/2024 - 14:18
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin
Location East Moose creek Bridge to Elbow Bend impacted
Incident Commander Moose Creek Ranger District Fire Management
Coordinates 46° 12' 20.0628'' Latitude
-114° 49'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 13
Size 14,762 Acres
Estimated Containment Date 12/31/2024
Fuels Involved

Heavy dead and down fuels from previous wildfires.

Planned Actions

Structure protection for East Moose Bridge, Moose Creek Ranger Station and Air Strip, Shissler Peak Lookout and Radio Repeater site.

Projected Incident Activity

Fire continues to burn in a recent burn scar. The fire is burning, creeping and smoldering, with moderate to high fire behavior at times. Fire activity could increase again with the hotter, drier temperatures.


 Trail Closures in Effect

Moose Creek Ranger Station Vicinity:

  • FS Trail 421 from Moose Creek Ranger Station to its junction with Trail # 486 (Cedar-Moose Creek Trail) between Dolph and Cedar Creeks southwest of Elk Summit
  • FS 432 Battle Ridge Trail from the junction of Trail # 421 to its junction with Trail # 462
  • FS 624 Monument Creek Trail from the junction of Trail # 421 to its junction with Trail # 430.
  • FS 491/FS 464 Gateway Peak Trail / Goat Haven Trail 
  • FS 693 Big Rock Trail from junction of Trail # 4 to its junction with Trail # 458
  • FS 458 Meeker Ridge Trail from junction of Trail # 4 to its junction with Trail # 693 
  • FS  447 Halfway Creek Trail from junction with Trail # 4 to its junction with # 693
  • FS 444 Goat Mountain Trail from junction with Trail # 4 to its junction with # 693

Elk Summit Vicinity:

  • FS Trail 421 from Elk Summit 
  • FS 486 Cedar to Moose Creek Trail from Elk Summit Trailhead (FS Road # 360) to its junction with # 421
  • FS 427 Trout Peak Trail from the junction with trail # 421 to the junction with Trail # 430
  • FS 619 Bailey Mountain Trail and FS 618 North Moose/Isaac Trail
  • FS 442 Double Creek Ridge Trail from the junction of Trail # 421 to its junction with Trail # 618
  • FS 939 Maple Lake Lookout Trail from junction with # 618 to its junction with # 486 (Cedar-Moose Trail)



Smoke may drift to the east and impact portions of the Bitterroot Valley (for more smoke information, please visit

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Temperatures are anticipated to increase slightly into the low 80s on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Slight chance for rain showers are projected through the weekend and into early next week. Temperatures will remain between the mid-60s to mid-70s starting Sunday through early next week.