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Snow Ranch

Unit Information

15 Burnett Court 
15 Burnett Court 

Incident Contacts

Phone: 970.501.5102
Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Highlighted Activity

Fire start date:   June 11, 2024Fire size today:  386 acres Location:  11 miles west of Pagosa Springs       Personnel:  63Cause:  LightningContainment: 64%Closures: The fire area remains closed to public entry. Fire activities will be taking place on both sides of NFSR 681 (Chris Mountain Trail) and fire traffic will be… Read more
Publication Type: News -

Highlighted Media

Firefighters walk along a bulldozer-created fire line, one is carrying a chain saw.

As of June 21 at 2200 hours MDT, this page will no longer be regularly updated unless there are new developments. The fire is completely contained and the area received significant rainfall on June 20 and 21.

The Chris Mountain Trail (NFSR 681) is open through the fire area. Hazards in recently burned areas may include fire-weakened trees, hot ash pits, stump holes and other uneven ground. Please use caution when traveling through the burn area.

The Snow Ranch Fire was discovered on the morning of June 11, 2024 just north of National Forest System Road (NFSR) 628 in Archuleta County, Colorado. It has been burning in ponderosa pine forest 11 miles west of Pagosa Springs. It was caused by lightning and has not threatened any values such as private property.

Firefighters employed indirect tactics to contain the fire, which burned in an area of the forest that was mechanically thinned ten years ago. The previous work on the ground supported fire managers' decision to use indirect tactics as a way to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire in the future.

Fire management changed from a Type 3 Incident Management Team to a smaller, Type 4 organization on the morning of Tuesday, June 18. it is now considered a Type 5 fire, the lowest level of fire complexity.

Basic Information
Current as of Fri, 06/21/2024 - 23:22
Incident Time Zone America/Denver
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin
Location 11 air miles west of Pagosa Springs, CO
Incident Commander San Juan NF, Type 5
Incident Description Wildfire
Coordinates 37° 15' 14'' Latitude
-107° 12'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 17
Size 386 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 100%
Fuels Involved

Timber, brush

Significant Events

Firefighters completed a burnout operation on June 13 to bring the fire to indirect containment lines. Crews have since patrolled and mopped up the fireline to increase containment. The resources assigned to this fire are also available to assist the Pagosa Ranger District with any new fire starts.

Planned Actions

Resources will continue to patrol and secure fireline to the extent necessary to ensure fire stays within containment lines.

Projected Incident Activity

Minimal fire activity. Stumps inside the perimeter continue to smolder and burn.