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Cougar Creek Fire

Unit Information


Incident Contacts

Cougar Creek Fire
Phone: 509-210-2928
Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Highlighted Activity

The American Red Cross has established a shelter at the Asotin County Fairgrounds for anyone displaced by the Cougar Creek Fire 2024. The shelter staff is currently in standby if you are relocating to the shelter call 1-800-Red Cross (733-2767) and inform them you need access to the Asotin County Shelter.If you are relocating cattle they can be taken to the Asotin County Fairgrounds, please call… Read more
Publication Type: Announcement -

The Cougar Creek Fire began July 15, 2024 and is currently being managed under a full suppression strategy. Complex Incident Management NW Team 13 assumed command of this fire on July 18th, 2024. Department of Natural Resources, Oregon Department of Forestry, US Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management are cooperating to manage this fire. 

Firefighters continue to work on building containment lines and protecting threatened structures and values at risk. 

Basic Information
Current as of Thu, 07/18/2024 - 22:53
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Undetermined
Date of Origin
Location 1 mile west of Hwy 129 and Grand Ronde river intersection
Incident Commander Brian Gales- IC CIMT NW Team 13
Eric Riener- Deputy IC CIMT NW Team 13
Coordinates 46° 2' 20'' Latitude
-117° 19'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 228
Size 4,895 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Estimated Containment Date 08/01/2024
Fuels Involved

Timber (Grass and Understory)
Tall Grass (2.5 feet)
Brush (2 feet)

Significant Events


Uphill Runs



Planned Actions

Division A: Continue with structure assessments and prep along with assess potential for secondary line
location on Grouse Flat. 
Division G: Continue with opportunities for direct line in Menatchee Creek. Assess secondary line
location north of Grouse Flat. 
Division P: Patrol and mop-up on Southern portion of the division. Structure assessment and prep.
Continue to establish line location on the North.

Projected Incident Activity

24 hours:
Hot and dry conditions will amplify over the weekend pushing temps towards the triple digits. All fuels are exceptionally receptive to maintaining fire progression. Fire spread will continue in steep terrain and in fuels that will maintain rapid fire progression. Growth is expected to be impacted by suppression resource arrival. Fire has crossed onto USFS ownership and will continue to impact private land and infrastructure. Conditions will support very active fire behavior.

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Weather will remain hot and dry well into next week. Saturday and/or Sunday could reach triple digits with RH in the low teens. Minor weather relief after the middle of next week, but still hot with temps in the upper 80s to low 90s. RH will remain in the teens through next week. With the exception of some afternoon diurnal wind gusts, winds will remain relatively light