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Combs Fire

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Unit Information

College Station, 
College Station, 

Incident Contacts

Juan Rodriguez
Phone: 8062205156
Hours: M-F 8-8 SS 8-8

Highlighted Activity

Combs Fire Final UpdateContainment: 100%Size: 375 acresThis morning, fire personnel reported beneficial rainfall over the Combs fire area. No fire activity or concerns were noticed. Crews monitored and patrolled the fire into the afternoon until comfortable to release resources from the fire. South flank of the fire was secured and there are no concerns of rekindle. 
Publication Type: News -

Highlighted Media

At approximately 8:00 PM, a wildfire started in Gray county off of Highway 273 just southeast of Pampa. There are road closures on Hwy 273 for north and south bound traffic with heavy smoke conditions affecting visibility. Southwest winds are driving the fire northeast through rough topography. Due to terrain, fire fighters are having difficulty directly engaging the fire. There are currently no evacuations and no structures threatened at this time. Texas A&M Forest Service was requested at approximately 8:20 PM and is working in unified Command with Gray County Emergency Management. Departments on scene are Texas A&M Forest Service, Pampa FD, Lefors VFD, Hoover VFD, Miami VFD, Skellytown VFD, McLean VFD, Groom VFD, Wheeler VFD along with Gray County Motor Graders. Motor graders are creating fire breaks where they can and Texas A&M Forest Service equipment is improving county motor grader lines for efficient holding. 

Basic Information
Current as of Tue, 03/04/2025 - 12:48
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Unknown
Date of Origin
Location Gray County
Incident Commander Texas A&M Forest Service- Incident Commander, Maynard Williams
Gray County Emergency Management- Emergency Management Coordinator, Troy Schwiegerath
Coordinates 35° 29' 51.4098'' Latitude
-100° 54'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Size 357 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 100%
Significant Events

Forward progression of the fire has been stopped. Crews are having difficulty navigating through rough terrain in night conditions. With anticipated cold front and wind shift coming in tomorrow, the south flank of the fire is main concern for this operational period and command is creating a plan to secure that end of the fire.