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Rattlesnake Branch

Unit Information

North Carolina 
160A Zillicoa Street 
North Carolina 
160A Zillicoa Street 

Incident Contacts

Public Information Officer
Phone: 828-519-8242

Highlighted Activity

Media Contact:Southern Area Red 519-8242 Branch Fire Daily Update -- March 31, 2025Note: Please drive cautiously on State Route 276 and other roads around the fire. Please do not stop along the side of the road for your protection and the… Read more
Publication Type: News -

Highlighted Media

The Rattlesnake Branch Fire began on March 26, 2025, near Cruso, North Carolina, about 11 miles southeast of Waynesville. The fire rapidly spread, fueled by dry conditions in the hardwood leaf litter, and extended into the Shining Rock Wilderness Area within the Pisgah National Forest. Fire activity and spread have subsided following rainfall on March 30 and 31. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Basic Information
Current as of Mon, 03/31/2025 - 15:40
Incident Time Zone America/New_York
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause undetermined
Date of Origin
Location Cruso Community, approximately 11 miles SE of Waynesville
Incident Commander Steve Parrish/Jay Mickey, USFS
Coordinates 35° 24' 50'' Latitude
-82° 48'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 107
Size 1,865 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 21%
Fuels Involved

Hardwood Litter Dormant Brush, Hardwood Slash 

Narrative: The primary carrier of fire is hardwood litter (FM9) with excessive 10 hour storm debris. Secondary fuel is shrub understory of Laurel and Rhododendron thickets. Live fuel moistures have been below critical levels.

Significant Events


Creeping Backing Smoldering 

Narrative: Fire is creeping, backing and low surface fire spread with minimal torching in brush fuels. Uphill runs on slopes.

Planned Actions

Div A/Z: Point protection, strategic firing, protect values at risk, and mop up around structures. Establish containment lines using existing roads and areas adjacent to wilderness area. 

DIV D/G: Establish containment/point protection lines around values at risk in the Burnett Cr drainage. Structure 

Protection Group: Conduct structure assessment, develop a structure protection plan for the fire area. 

DIV J/M/R: Will remain unstaffed.

Projected Incident Activity

12 hours: Continued surface fire growth, running and backing. Burnout opportunities good through the burn period. 

24 hours: Minimal fire growth due to forecast rain. 

48 hours: Minimal fire growth due to forecast rain. 

72 hours: Minimal fire growth due to wetting rain.

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Increased cloud cover today along a trace of rain. Humidity recovery was near 100% this morning. Forecast for Monday 3/31: Showers and thunderstorms are expected in the morning with up to 0.30" of rainfall as a weather disturbance moves across the fire area. Highs 60-65F, south ridgetop wind 8-12mph with gusts to 26mph, shifting to the west and northwest by the end of the day.