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Rail Ridge

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3160 NE Third Street 
3160 NE Third Street 

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  • Rail Ridge Fire Information

Rail Ridge and Wiley Flat Fire Daily Update 09-23-2024

Rail Ridge, Wiley Flat
Publication Type: News - 09/23/2024 - 12:12

Rail Ridge and Wiley Flat Fire Daily Update 


Rail Ridge Fire

Acres: 162,994 - Containment: 56% - Detection Date: Sept 2, 2024 - Cause: Lightning – Total resources: 1,343 - Crews: 41 - Engines: 50 - Dozers: 17

Operational Update

Firefighters are working to increase and strengthen containment lines ahead of elevated temperatures and an increase in winds this week. Crews are focused on confirming the reliability of existing lines and creating depth to increase confidence that these lines will hold with upcoming weather changes. Hotshot crews are engaged in particularly rough terrain around the northern perimeter, working to identify and execute containment line placement that has a high probability of holding in the event of fire growth with weather changes this week.

Wiley Flat Fire

Acres: 30,186 - Containment: 94% - Detection Date: Sept 2, 2024 - Cause: Lightning - Total resources: 138 Crews: 2 - Engines: 3 - Dozers: 2

Operational Update

Nearly 80% of suppression repair work has been accomplished on the Wiley Flat Fire. Firefighters work to establish the last bit of containment and eliminate remaining heat around the perimeter. Crews will remain engaged over the next several days as temperatures go up and winds increase in the fire area, testing containment lines. A Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team will arrive on the Wiley Flat Fire today to assist in suppression repair efforts.

Closures and Evacuations

Rail Ridge Evacuations: All level 1 and 2 evacuation zones have been lifted for Grant County, and level 3 zones have been downgraded to level 2 “set” status.

Wiley Flat Evacuations: All areas inside the fire perimeter are designated Level 3 Evacuation zones. The area encompassing approximately one-half mile from the fire perimeter is designated Level 2 evacuation zone.

For Current Evacuation Levels in Wheeler, Crook and Grant counties, please visit:

Closures: The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management have implemented closures for the Rail Ridge and Wiley Flat Fires. For more details and closure maps, visit


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