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Little Yamsay Fire Update - May 3, 2024 05-03-2024
Little Yamsay Fire
Publication Type: News - 05/03/2024 - 09:00
Little Yamsay Fire Update May 3, 2024
Fire Information: 541-977-2756
Size: 633 acres
Location: 15 miles southeast of Chemult, OR near Klamath Marsh
Start Date: Detected April 20, 2024
Cause: Lightning
Total Personnel: 120
Crews: 3 Engines: 5 Heavy Equipment: 8 Water Tenders: 4
Cooler weather with light rain moved across the fire area early Thursday leading to an increase in fuel moisture that hampered the ability to continue firing operations. An afternoon drying trend ensued, which allowed firefighters to ignite fuels around cultural and forest resources with low-intensity fire to protect these values at risk.
Engine crews patrolled and cooled areas of heat along Forest Roads 7644 and 7645 as well as the 300 spur, all of which are control lines for the phase one block. They also helped extinguish fire in pre-existing fire scars (cat faces) and roots systems of large Ponderosa Pines to prevent the trees from being damaged or killed.
Crews assisted with mop up and shifted their effort to preparing control lines for future firing operations by thinning along roads and handlines. Heavy equipment, including feller bunchers and masticators, continued with fuels reduction work along Forest Road 49, which will serve as a control line on the southern perimeter of this wildfire.
Friday’s firing operations will be determined by weather and fuel receptivity. If the needle cast, brush, and other surface fuels carry fire, then Baker River, La Grande, and Union Hotshot will pick up where they left off in the phase one block and possibly bring fire into the phase two block located directly south of phase one. Fuels reduction efforts and line preparation will be the primary missions in the phase three block.
Smoke may impact the Chiloquin, Bly, Chemult, and Klamath Falls areas due to wildfire activity as well as prescribed fires simultaneously being conducted on the Forest.
There are no closures or evacuations associated with the Little Yamsay Fire. However, residents and visitors are encouraged to stay out of the fire area and reminded to drive carefully as emergency vehicles may be present on the roads.
Social Media Links:
South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership (SCOFMP) Facebook: https://
SCOFMP YouTube Channel: Fremont-Winema National Forest Facebook: Fremont-Winema National Forest website: